National Council of Women of
Victoria welcomes the recent election of women
Councillors to lead both the
local government peak bodies in Victoria.
The election on 6 March of
Cr Mary Lalios as first woman President of the Municipal
Association of Victoria (MAV) - following the February
election of Cr Marg Attley as
President of the Victorian
Local Governance Association (VLGA) - is an important step in
the recognition of the
principle of equality of representation.
NCW Victoria has worked for
the principle of equal right to vote and to stand for public office for more
than a hundred years, and we helped create the Local Government Women’s
Association more than fifty years ago.
Since August 2000 when 26. %
of councillors were women, there has been a gradual increase with women elected
October 2016 reaching 38%.
An important element in this
progress had been the setting of targets and the increased availability of good
training for prospective and new councillors. We congratulate Cr Helen Coleman,
President of Australian Local Government Women’s Association (Victorian Branch)
(ALGWA Vic) and her colleagues
including former ALGWA President Cr Coral Ross for their outstanding work to
encourage equal involvement of women and men in local government.
Janene Blanchfield Brown,
President, Wednesday
8 March 2017
NCW Victoria encourages all candidates for public office
to access training and supports the use of material GoWomenLG website for
potential candidates, Now You’re a Councillor website for
newly elected women councillors, the
Local Government Women's Charter (supported by the MAV and the VLGA)and ‘A Gender Agenda – kit for women
who want to stand for local government and thosewho want to assist others to
stand’ (5th edition)